Lemonade Design terms & conditions
Please read through our terms and conditions. Note that on approval of any Lemonade Design cost estimate, you are automatically agreeing to these terms and conditions (below).
Our quote to you is estimated based on the brief that we receive from you.
Once we have all the relevant information, we may need to re-quote if the work amounts to more that we understood at initial briefing stage.
If, during the process of design, the nature or size of the job changes, we will need to either re-quote or charge for additional time at our hourly rate of R730.
All prices quoted are valid for 30 days and will need to be reconfirmed after this time, unless otherwise stated.
Upfront invoice
On acceptance of our quote, you will be invoiced for an upfront payment of 50% of all studio work. This will need to be paid on presentation of the invoice. Work will commence as soon as we have received this deposit.
Balance invoice
On completion and approval of the studio work, you will be invoiced the balance, including any additional costs such as studio print-outs, studio materials, additional hours etc. This balance must be paid on presentation of the invoice.
This covers the indicated number of studio hours and design development options. Further design work will be charged at our hourly rate.
Print-ready Artwork
Preparing final approved artwork for print. This covers the indicated number of studio hours but must be confirmed on view of final approved design. Once signed-off by client, a repro-ready pdf is then supplied to the printer.
Client corrections
You may like to make corrections or additional changes to design and text once design or print-ready artwork has been completed. Please allow for an additional number of studio hours to be charged.
Copywriting, editing and proofreading
This is an additional service and we can recommend a suitable copywriter if needed. The cost for copywriting, editing or proofreading should be taken into account and is not included in our design studio fee. You may provide your own copy and do your own proofreading if preferred.
Image hire and photography
Often, during the design process, additional or alternate images are required or suggested. Image hire is an additional cost and we have a good image hire source.
We also offer photography. The cost for this needs to be taken into account and is not included in our design studio fee. You may provide your own images if preferred.
Print costs are not included in the design fee and will be quoted separately. If you choose to use our recommended printer, the printer will invoice you directly so that you may reclaim your VAT. You may use your own printer if preferred but we will not be able to take responsibility for any errors or lack in quality on the final print job.
Timeline and dormancy clause
All work should be completed within four to six week period depending on the size of the project. Should the completion of work be delayed due to any hold-up from the client’s side, the balance of the work done to date on the project will be invoiced at month-end.
Overdue invoices
Artwork will not be handed over to client or to printer if there are any payments overdue.
Web hosting services
If you are making use of our web hosting service, you will receive an annual invoice in advance. Any lapse in your payments will result in your website being removed from the server. A re-activation fee of R280 for .co.za and R500 for .com will then be payable when settling the outstanding hosting fees.
While Lemonade Design Studio strives to ensure the accuracy of all material, the ultimate responsibility of checking copy and proofs remain with the client who will have no recourse to Lemonade Design Studio in the event of discrepancies in the final product.
Please note that Lemonade Design Studio is not VAT registered.