Lemonade Design
Creative Studio
At Lemonade Design, we harvest our special brand of creative juice to bring you beautiful, functional websites, creative corporate graphic design and packaging design.

Lemonade Design
Creative Studio
At Lemonade Design, we harvest our special brand of creative juice to bring you beautiful, functional websites, creative corporate graphic design and packaging design.
At Lemonade Design, we harvest our special brand of creative juices to bring you beautiful, functional websites that you can update yourself, at a very refreshing price. Our easy-peasy in-house WordPress training will ensure that you leave with the know-how to keep your website current and interesting.
With our vast design experience, you can be sure your website, logo, branding, print material and packaging will all hold together to give your business a fresh, tangy and professional look.
So, although you could easily be mistaken in believing that we produce fresh, mouth-watering lemonade in our productive little factory, the truth of the matter is that we squeeze out great design with a refreshing twist to ensure that your product is a hit at the market!